

What is Color Fastness and Different Types of Color Fastness

We can define colorfastness as, having color that will not run or fade with washing or wear. That means characterizes a material's color's resistance to fading or running. Clothing is colorfast if its colors and dyes do not bleed or run from the clothing. Clothing should be tested for colorfastness before using any type of bleach or bleaching solution, or strong cleaning product. Colorfastness is very important factor for buyer.Various methods of dressing, such as the normal water, detergent, after washing the water in the ocean and after sitting and sitting, with the different parts of the clothes (such as a chair, sofa, bed) due to friction, the amount of color is calculated by the fastest rating of color. In this case, gray scale is used. The amount of color to be lit by the Fastness-by-light test of color is given by allowing the clothes to dry in the sun.
Grade Scale is rated from 1 to 5. After washing some parts of the cloth, the color of the color is fixed in comparison to the unwashed cloth. If the color of the cloth after washing is as it was before the wash, the fastest rating of the cloth color 5 is very good (excellent). If the color gets slightly less after washing, the Gray scale rating is likely to be 4 (good). After washing the middle color after washing, the rating will be 3 (Fair). We will get more 2 (poor) If the color is almost completely removed after washing, the rating will be 1 (very poor).

Of course, there is half grading between each grading. Grades such as 1, 1/2, 2, 2/3, 3, 3/4, 4, 4/5, 5 are computed. This color fastness is one of the major issues in the garments-textile sector. After washing, after drying in the sun, the reputation of the seller's vendor gets diminished by the customers when the color is removed due to friction.

Importance of color fastness:
Textile fabric has many properties. Colorfastness property is one of the most important properties of them. It is a property of a colorant which allows it to retain its different characteristics despite degradation conditions such as exposure to light and dry cleaning. Product performance and evaluation to determine if the fabric is suitable for the intended end use. It is a identity for fabric. If colorfastness is good then fabric quality high and if poor fastness property then fabric quality is bad. So, colorfastness is the important factor for the buyer to justify which fabric is bad and which is better.

Different Types of Color Fastness :
  1. Color Fastness to Washing
  2. Color Fastness to light
  3. Color Fastness to perspiration
  4. Color Fastness to Water
  5. Color Fastness to Rubbing
  6. Color fastness to sea water
  7. Color fastness to hot pressing
  8. Color fastness to chlorinated water

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